Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. - Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

So much to do, so little time.

Your college experience will be full of life-changing opportunities and encounters. But before you dive off the cliff into the myriad of activities, groups, clubs, and classes, slow down and ask the Lord to lead you. Yeah, I said it. Talk to God about what groups you should join and what classes you should take. “Why?” you ask... Because it turns out, God actually has an opinion about everything you do. That includes your academics and extracurriculars. So, when you pray about what to do (and not do), you also need to spend time listening. You will learn to hear God's voice and recognize His responses and His promptings as you do this. Then, when you jump into all those activities, your leap won't be as likely to jeopardize the growth of your spiritual life. In fact, letting God direct these decisions could not only bolster the strength of your college resume, it could also bring life and love to those you meet along the way. That’s because the all-knowing God, who sees the end from the beginning, knows exactly which activities will benefit you now, and in your future. And He also knows which activities will pull you away from Him and His plan for your life, and which ones will put you in position to be a blessing to the people He wants you to impact. So, with so much to do and so little time to do it, be sure to make time for God. When spending time with Him is your priority, He will show you how to put everything else in order.

"God really wants us to come to know Him, walk with Him and be with Him and bless us beyond our own ability." (Excerpt from, "It's Your Choice (God or the enemy) by Pastor Chester C. Pipkin Jr.)