Hold up - wait a minute. Does anyone else feel lost in this class?

Have you ever experienced feeling like you’re the only one who doesn’t get it? I’ve had times where I had absolutely no idea what my professor was talking about, meanwhile, everyone else seemed to understand just fine. The worst part was when I went to office hours and all of my classmates who were nodding their heads during lecture were there, too... Taking up all of the time I needed to ask real questions, and not just prove to the TA that I already knew it all (and then some!) But the good news for me was, and is, that the TA isn’t the only one I can go to. God Himself wants to help me with my studies, or whatever other situation might have me feeling like I’m in over my head. In fact, He encourages me to go to Him when I need help understanding. The Bible actually says:

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt... - James 1:5-6a NIV

So it's important not just to ask God for help, but to believe that He can, and will, deliver. He created the whole universe, after all... I think that qualifies Him to be a pretty good tutor! It stunk feeling like I was the only dunce in the room, but it taught me an important lesson that applies in and out of the classroom. When things don't come easy for me, it's an opportunity to either be frustrated or faith-full. Instead of letting it get to me, I can practice relying on the Lord, and learning to let Him be my source of help. God is more than able to help me do well in school, and He gets the glory when I am weak, because I trust in Him.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. That's what He's there for! (excerpt from, "I'm All You Need," by Leonard Wilson)